Haiti and China

제가 다니는 교회(Brooklyn Tabernacle)의  Haiti에서 수년째 사역하고 계신 선교사님 두분( Elsie, Bonite)에 대한 기도와 Praise Report 인데

함께 이 두 청년이 리드하는 전도 그룹들과 Haiti학교들, 주님을 영접하고 돌아오는 귀한 영혼들과 선교사님들을 위해 기도해주세요.


그리고 밑에 China에서 그리스도인의 인권을 위해 목숨바쳐 사역하시는 변호사님도 주님에 손에 함께 올려드려요.


Elsie reports that the schools in Haiti are going to re-open this week.  Some will re-open at their regular locations, others in tents setup in public park areas.  According to UNICEF, over 4,000 schools were destroyed in the earthquake including the Ministry of Education HQ so the re-opening will be a major challenge.  Elsie’s children are all eager to return to school as it’s been nearly 3 months without school.
Elsie also shared this praise report:
Today we had a group of 9 among our primaries who did Evangelistic Outreach under the leadership of Johnny and they came back so excited with names of 10 precious souls won to the Lord.  Last week they went in some other area and the Lord used them to minister and win souls as well.  This little group is so on fire for God and we want to encourage them in their pursuit of being used to further God’s Kingdom in Haiti.  We usually use the Evangelical Cube along with the tracts that go with it and I have given them a demonstration on how to use it effectively.  Johnny reported that they did well and they were really happy to have been used of God to turn others to Him.  Praise the Lord!
The Youth Evangelistic Outreach Group is led by Jimmy Adras and they too are very much on fire for God, going to wherever the Holy Spirit leads them.  Please do remember these two groups in prayer that they will continue in their zeal to go after the lost in the power of the Holy Spirit for the furtherance of God’s Kingdom.
Bonite in Jacmel shared that they’ve been very busy doing Bible studies and new believer classes with many of the people that accepted the Lord through the disaster.  They also just had a baptism the previous week.
For some time, the Missions Ministry has been praying for Gao Zhisheng, a Christian human rights lawyer that had been jailed and tortured repeatedly for taking on human rights cases against the government.  In Feb 2009, Gao had been taken away for interrogation and hadn’t been heard since, which caused many to fear that he had been killed.  A week ago, he was able to make a phone call to his wife and children for the first time, confirming that he is still alive.  China Aid president attributed the breakthrough to increased international pressure.  However, he is still not free and his movements are being monitored.
–          Praise the Lord that Gao is still alive, but please pray that he will be freed and reunited with his family that just gained asylum in the US.


May God honor you as you seek His Kingdom and Righteousness first.

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