Haiti and Iran



Haiti가 학교를 열고 정상화 시키는 과정에 있습니다.  그리고 저희 교회 Mission Ministry에서 하고 있는Haiti를 위한  project에 관한 기도입니다.  깨끗한 마실 물이 정말 필요한 그들에게 주님의 손의 역할을 할 수 있는 통로로 잘 쓰임 받을 수 있도록, 은혜의 생수가 그 땅에 흘러 넘치도록 기도해주세요.


그리고 이란 소식도 있습니다. 함께 중보하는 우리의 입술에서 주께서 열매 맺도록 하여 주실 것을 믿고 감사합니다. 


Last week, the schools in Haiti re-opened.  Most of the schools used the time to help students emotionally and psychologically since so many students and teachers were killed in the earthquake.  This week, the schools are trying to go back to a normal teaching schedule.  Universities and trade schools will re-open in a few weeks.
Haiti has always had a major water problem where the vast majority of the population had no access to clean water.  I’ll never forget the experience I had almost 10 years ago walking in the ravines for the first time to visit some of the shantytown homes of the children that attend Elsie’s ministry.  There were so many children walking up and down the steep slopes on their bare feet with huge buckets and containers of water on their heads.  I had always taken for granted clean water coming from a tap and it struck me for the first time in my life how real was the basic struggle for survival in the 3rd world.  When we started doing our first medical clinics in Haiti, we saw the direct affects of the water problem when we’d see many patients with waterborne diseases and problems.  Recently, Bonite in Jacmel was telling me how they left tap water in a container and after a few days, it began to stink and they started to see worms.  The earthquake has now exasperated this problem.
So, we’ve embarked upon an ambitious water project to supply family sized water filter units (http://www.hydraid.org/) to 100 families in Port-au-Prince and 100 families in Jacmel.  Thanks to our new partners at Never Thirst (http://www.neverthirstwater.org/), we will be starting a pilot project at Elsie’s ministry to install some of these units there.  We have a mission team ready to go to Haiti next week that includes some construction volunteers.  These filters are supposed to be simple to install and maintain so we plan to train the local believers so that they can then take charge of the deployment and maintenance of the units after we leave.  The filters are designed to remove parasites, bacteria and viruses.
In the meantime, both ministries continue to feed hundreds of children every day.
–          Please pray for this project that it will succeed in getting clean water to thousands of people.
A report said that Rev. Wilson Issavi, who was accused of ‘converting Mslms’ has been released from prison on bail.  However, it’s fairly common in this country that Christians who are detained for religious reasons are released just to be killed.  Ir*nian authorities have setup video cameras outside of Issavi’s church to monitor everyone going in and out of the building.
We also have ministry friends who are right now in T**ran and they appear to be closely watched with their phones tapped, etc.  In January, one of their team members was threatened with a gun held to his head and they had to leave the country.  Another time, our friend was pulled aside by secret police and warned that their staff cannot share their faith or something would happen to them.  This is a country where there’s been a massive turn to Christ and the government and extremists appear to be doing everything they can to stop it. 
– Please pray for the protection of Rev Issavi, his family and the other believers.

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