Mangrik – 인도 (116회)

Mangrik of India


People Name:Mangrik


World Population: 128,000


Primary Religion:Buddhism

Progress Status:  Least-Reached

Christ Followers:Few, less than 2%


Mangrik of India

The Mangrik have traditionally been farmers. Muslim butchers ensure a supply of mutton to the Mangrik, as the latter refrain from killing animals. They have attained a high level of literacy and some have even gone for higher education to the universities of Jammu and Kashmir.


Ministry Obstacles

It may be that the Mangrik people have formed an incorrect view of what Christians believe, based upon observation of nominal Christians in their region.


Outreach Ideas

Even though the Mangrik people may have a fairly high literacy rate, using oral means of communicating the Gospel of Jesus may be the best approach. Films, recordings, and stories from Scripture will likely have a favorable result.


Pray for the followers of Christ

There is no indication that any of the Mangrik community know Christ as Savior. But pray for those that will soon come to know and follow Him. Pray they will have nothing to do with the deeds of darkness, living as children of light. Pray they will be zealous to know and follow Christ.


Pray for the entire people group

Pray for the Mangrik community to continue to be able to care for their families adequately. Pray for competent village-level leadership.


Scripture Focus

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 

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