모로코 긴급상황

그야말로 혼돈, 분노, 공포입니다

방금 (3 10까지 추방된 외국인 수는 미국, 영국, 화란, 남아공, 한국, 캐나다, 브라질 국적인  50여명 이며, 한국인은한인교회 담임목사  3명입니다. ( 00, 00, 00)

앞으로 계속적인 선교사 적발, 연행, 추방이 이어질 것으로 예상됩니다 

금식, 무릎기도, 미디어, 언론, 외교… 수단과 방법을 총동원하여 이번 영적 전쟁에 대처해야겠습니다


Only Jesus

This is huge catastrophe.

Morocco interior ministry announces that around 50 missionaries are kicked out. Their nationality is Korean Canadian, American, British, Netherland, South African, Brazilian.

There are 3 Korean missionaries included.

Morocco Ministry spokesman said that “we are going to continue expelling missionary from Morocco.”


Let’s pray without limitation!!!


– from K missionary –

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