Nunu – 중국 (116회)

Nunu of China


People Name:Nunu


Language:Bunu, Bu-Nao

Primary Religion:Ethnic Religions

Christ Followers:Few, less than 2%


Few people have ever heard of the Nunu even though they possess their own culture, history, language, and ethnicity. Nunu history is shrouded in stories of past migrations and armed conflict with other people groups. Because of pressure from the Han and the Zhuang, the Nunu were driven from their land and forced into the remote mountains. Nunu men have traditionally been great hunters, but today their yields are limited to wild pigs and small game. Pan Hu is worshiped by the Nunu. The Nunu are trapped in complete spiritual darkness. They have no known believers or Christian witness. The Nunu are a childlike people.


<Ministry Obstacles>

The Nunu may be wary of outsiders, and may be quite closed to foreign ways of thinking.


<Outreach Ideas>

Christian workers need to win the trust and friendship of the Nunu people. Helping them with their material needs can help with this objective.


<Pray List>

* Pray for the followers of Christ

Even though there may be no followers of Jesus among the Nunu people today, pray for those that Christ will soon call to Himself.

* Pray their faith will be carefully nurtured and protected, and that no one will take advantage of their trusting spirit.

* Pray for the entire people group

* Pray for the very poor Nunu people to find ways to improve their lot in life. Pray they will see the need to send their children to school, and that good schools will be available.


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